Sunday, August 19, 2012

$48.8 Million To Fight Infectious Disease?

The Obama regime is spending money like it grows on trees and will always re-grow. They are clueless! It's like they just say ok here's $25,000,000 for teacher layoffs, and here's $48,800,000 to fight infectious diseases, and the list goes on and on! We cannot afford another 4 years of this stuff! Our nation has a huge debt, and I'm sorry your kids aren't eating and I am sorry you can't afford healthcare, but tough luck! It's going to sound very insensitive of me, yes I know... And I am o.k. with that! I don't care how many friends I lose over this, because my freedoms are way more important to me than losing a couple of leftist friends! People MOOCHING off of the government is sinking our nation!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Whoa! Awesome!

You have got to read this story. A surprising group of people bought cupcakes from the baker who told Joe Biden staffers that he didn't want the V.P. visiting! That, to me, speaks volumes, and should serve as a wake-up call for how loathed our current regime is, for anyone still imbibing the Kool-Aid!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Nike To Honor Phil Knight's 80th!

Nike has a cool men's college basketball tournament that they are working on that will occur in 2017 in conjunction with Nike co-founder Phil Knight's 80th birthday! My favorite men's N.C.A.A. D-1 team is Duke, and so I'm excited that they are involved. I guess they're having two 8-team tourneys so as to comply with rules not to put two schools from the same conference (examples: Duke and North Carolina) in the same bracket. I think this has so many neat possibilities, and it will be a super cool way to honor Phil Knight a couple of months before he turns 80 years old. The link above lists all of the teams that will probably be involved.

Bakery Owner Refuses Biden Visit!

This is really cool! A bakery owner in Virginia refused to let Joe Biden visit his bakery yesterday. The baker was irritated, as were many of us, by Obama's "You didn't build that" garbage. It's these kinds of people who take stands that we need! Chris McMurray, you're a stud! Way to stand your ground, bro! (: I wish more folks had the courage to do what you did!

November's Election Is A Must-Win For Conservatives!

We cannot let the little piddly arguments we have get in the way of Romney and Ryan winning. We need Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan as our leadership team for America. I would like to see all conservatives unite behind Romney and Ryan. Even if you're one of the "There are no good candidates in this election" kind of people, it's time to get on the Romney and Ryan train! It might take a little humbling themselves for the Ron Paul loyalists, but it's necessary!

John Cougar Mellencamp's Son Walking-On At Duke!

John Cougar Mellencamp's son Hud is a walk-on at Duke University this season for the football team. I went to look up what position he plays, and I am a bit perplexed. He is the only guy on the team listed as a defensive back. I have no clue whether Coach Cut wants to use him as a nickel or dime back. The thing is, there are other guys classified as safeties and other guys classified as cornerbacks. He's the only guy classified as a defensive back. That perplexes me!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Elizabeth Warren's Incorrect Economic Views

Our nation needs to make sure we don't ever let this lady get elected! Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat from Massachusetts, is saying our government needs to spend more and be more like China, a Communist country. We are in deep trouble if a lady like this ever gets into any elected office in our country! I strongly suggest that Elizabeth Warren be forced to surf the national debt clock site daily! Our government already spends way too much, and if it becomes anything like China, we are all in deep trouble!!!